Ship dates

My order #4992 has arrived today. Thanks all, it looks great.

I’m order #6394.

I just received my email.

Instead of a preparing to ship notice, it’s an 8-10 week delay due to wood sourcing issues.

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Im order #5677,
Received an email on 03/21/2022 saying that my order is shipping soon, no tracking number yet though.

Order #6500, got a delay email due to wood sourcing issues. Nothing much other than a “8-10 week” assembly timeline? No updated shipping timeframe at all. I understand this is mostly out of their control but sorta of wondering what we can get from this kind of delay? A free sticker? Cleaning cloth? I placed my order in December ‘21 lol

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I’m #6344 and got my email on Monday that is was shipping in the next several days. I guess I just snuck in at the end of this cycle.

I got the same notification on the same date. I’m order #4797 and got it just yesterday. It shipped via USPS so it was a matter of “we’re going to deliver it to you eventually” to “OUT FOR DELIVERY” with no warning. :slight_smile:

#5361 here! Got a notification that shipping would happen soon about a week ago, and the little machine arrived today! Hooray!

Very disappointed, was supposed to have mine already (6426) and was told it would be another 8-10 weeks now. That’s pretty unacceptable for something I’ve already waited 2 months for. Can we get a partial refund or something for the trouble?

In the same boat, what are you doing?

#6363 – tracking number today with estimated delivery on Friday.

6069 - got tracking today as well

got mine today! Finally!

I just got notice that it is out for delivery. Its coming two days early from the projected delivery. I also live in NYC so that might have made it faster.

I’m just a few orders after a confirmation 19 days ago and haven’t gotten anything. Has shipped stopped for awhile?

Check your email, most likely you missed the one where they quotes another 8-10 weeks for shipment.

What about items bought online March 22 or April 22. When are those ship dates?

For those who’ve received their shipments recently… what was your order number? My order number is 6,600-something. I haven’t heard anything since I ordered in February. Just looking for a ballpark estimate.

Order # 6426 and just received my “shipping soon” notice yesterday! :raised_hands:t2:

order #96xx so it looks like i will not have mine anytime soon…

Officially have a tracking number!