Tidbyt Discord

TL;DR - we now have a Tidbyt Discord! Shoutout to @ToWn3r for making it happen. Also, huge shout out to @connor and others for offering to do the same. I suppose the adage of ask for forgiveness rather then permission holds true here :sweat_smile:

What is it?

Instant messages organized in channels - think Slack or IRC but full of members of the Tidbyt community

How do I join?

Follow the link created by @ToWn3r : https://discord.gg/DzvpY76H

Where do I ask questions?

This discussion forum will get priority support and Discord will be best effort for the time being. We will also encourage conversations that hit a critical mass in Discord to become a post on this forum. So for now, posting to the forum is still the blessed way to generate discussion.

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