Stock Ticker Tape

I see that you can view a stock price on Tidbyt, but is it possible to have several stock prices cycle through like a large ticker tape?


Kind of. We rotate instead of scroll. Here’s what it looks like (sped up):



That’s really cool. Are the stocks displayed able to be customized or changed? Are they showing daily charts? Thanks for the fast response!

Sure thing! What kind of customization did you have in mind? Currently we just let you pick a stock and add it.

It’s a daily chart that we fill in from the left to the right as the day progresses (the animation above is after market close). Here’s an example from the middle of the day:

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Being able to add or remove is exactly what I had in mind! Is there a limit on how many stocks can be shown? Are there any limits on what stocks can be shown? Like are only certain indexes covered or can any stock be viewed? Also, how often are the prices updates, every 15 minutes?


I’m very interested in this for stocks as well and this information is great. I do have a question can I run this or attach this with another raspberry pi?

My ides is to have a few that rotate different ones as it sounds there is a limit to them maybe like 20?

Hi Rohan! Thanks for all of your help so far, I really appreciate it! Could you answer the questions below when you have a chance?

Is there a limit on how many stocks can be shown? Are there any limits on what stocks can be shown? Like are only certain indexes covered or can any stock be viewed? Also, how often are the prices updates, every 15 minutes?

Hey @acw,

There’s currently no hard limit on how many stocks you can track simultaneously. We’ve tested running 50+ apps previously, and the Tidbyt happily rotates through them in order. That should apply for stocks as well.

You can track any symbol that IEX cloud (our API provider) has data for. I believe that should include most US stocks, but I’m not a finance guy so I may be wrong. =) If you have a few illustrative examples to share I’d be happy to test it out for you!

Prices are updated every minute. We recently nudged that down from every 5 minutes, and hope to keep it that way.


Wow, thank you so much for all the great info! I think that tells me all I need to know, and I can’t wait for the 16th. You all are great, thank you again!

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Hi Rohan,
Will this be the same layout for any of the crypto currency charts as well? Just reserved mine.

The cryptocurrency app is currently a single value rather than a chart:

I believe we have the intraday data though, I’ll try plugging it into a chart form. Would be fun to see the rollercoaster of crypto prices play out through the day :rocket:


I am really interested in a “ticker tape” scrolling feature like the old school readouts in Wall Street. Would this ever be a feature?


Just got my Tidbyt and its great so far. Would it be possible to have it display stock indexes like the S&P 500 or Russell 5000 instead of individual stocks. I didn’t see a way to do this in the app.


It would be great to have more stock symbol displayed on a single plane. I don’t need the graft, just symbol, current price, and current change.

Hey @rohan, this looks great. I was wondering about bundling all the stock together in a single settings instance of the stock app. Will that be possible? It would be easier to just update a list of ticker symbols. Also, all the stocks take up a lot of space in the settings page.

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hey @rohan, just got my tidbyt and it’s awesome. any idea how to add indexes to the stock app like the DJIA or S&P 500? Thanks!


Hey all,

On the topic of indexes, I’m afraid that turns out to be a bit tricky. Getting access to that data is very, very expensive, and not even an option with IEX Cloud, our current provider of financial data. They have an FAQ entry about it over here, which basically suggests relying on index ETFs instead, e.g. SPY, DIA, etc. We’re keeping our eyes on this though, and if we find a way to provide true index data we’ll definitely build it out.

As for a ticker style and/or multi-stock tracker (@Ray1204, @Jasonpowens, @joedzado) , it would require some UI work in the mobile app (to allow for multiple tickers being entered), but it’s certainly possible . We’ll add a card to the backlog for exploring it further. Feel free to post in the feature request section as well. That allows others to upvote it, which helps us prioritize against other feature requests. =)


hi @matslina thanks for the reply…
I don’t know anything about anything, but would this work?

thanks again!

I agree, would love to see this a ticker taps scrolling feature as well. Also, how can I add the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and Nasdaq? I did not see that as an option when I searched for it.

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Hey Josh, you just need to use the funds that track the indexes. DIA for Dow, SPY for S&P, and NDAQ for Nasdaq

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