Stock Ticker Tape

Thanks, tried that but that just produces the individual stock price for the dow corporation, not the value of the dow jones index.

Hate to correct you but that ticker ($DIA) does track the index. $DOW would be the company ā€œDow Inc,ā€ and its a chemical company. $DIA is SPDRā€™s ETF that tracks the index. I donā€™t believe Dow Jones is a public company, or one at all, since they sold the index to S&P. Hope that helps!

Hey ACW,

Well, Dow Jones is a subsidiary of News Corporation. It was started in 1882 by Charles Dow, Edward Jones and Charles Bergstresser. Its flagship publication is the The Wall Street Journal.

Regarding the DIA listing, I wish you were correct, because that would solve my problem. I did reach out to the support at tidbyt, and here is their response as to why we can not access DJIA:

Hey Josh,

On the topic of Dow Jones and similar, Iā€™m afraid weā€™ve been unable to source that data. Itā€™s just incredibly expensive, and our current data provider (IEX Cloud) doesnā€™t offer it at all.

I do hope weā€™ll find a way to offer the raw index data in the future, but so far we havenā€™t been able to.

Hey Josh,

Thanks for the history lesson, Iā€™m glad we both could learn something from that. Furthermore on $DIA, this etf tracks the djia index. Feel free to refer to this website: DIA: SPDRĀ® Dow JonesĀ® Industrial Average ETF Trust

While the price of the etf is not the same number that djia shows, the etf tracks the index because the etf holds the same companies the index does. Does that make sense?

Having the data from the index itself would be very expensive and is unnecessary. Especially when there are etfs that do the exact same thing but are far less expensive.

This is also a great resource to further explain what Iā€™m saying about how $DIA works: The Best (and Only) Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF for Q1 2022

Take care!

Is there a way to get OTC stocks to work in this app?

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I too would like to see this (OTC). I work for a VERY large Fortune 150 company but oddly enough their stock is OTC, so I cant see it on my tidbyt.

What stock are you talking about specifically?

Me? The OTC stock I want to follow is Siemens AG.

Let me add my vote for tracking the Nasdaq composite. Tracking NDAQ isnā€™t what I want.

For example, at this moment, the NASDAQ composite is at 13,833, but the NDAQ is at $176.91.

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You could try $ONEQ, itā€™s Fidelityā€™s NASDAQ Composite Index ETF. It doesnā€™t track the index perfectly, but it is much closer than $NDAQ (which I mistakenly included earlier in this thread since this stock is NASDAQā€™s stock, not an etf that tracks the index) .

Hopefully that helps for now!

Thank you - however, the ETF is not really helpful if the idea is to say, ā€œHow the Nasdaq Composite doing during todayā€™s crazy market?ā€

I understand that itā€™s expensive for Tidbyt, but hey, Iā€™d pay to license an app that shows me the DJ30 and Nasdaq composites. I can get that info on demand from my phone and from Alexa. It would be even better to have them on the Tidbyt screen.

Iā€™d love to see pre-market / after hours prices on the graph in slightly different colors. With options to opt into either/both.

Agree ā€“ easy way to show the Dow Jones and NASDAQ would be great.

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How come Walmart ticker started showing up on my device? I never added it and I cannot remove it using my app.

Iā€™m seeing the same thing. I removed and added the app several times this morning, and itā€™s rotating through random tickers. Iā€™ve seen Walmart, and Marvel is showing right this second.


Same with me. WMT, AMZN, and others

Looking into this now.

We are rolling out the fix for this now. It should be fixed within the next 1-2 minutes.

Looks good from my end. Last couple rotations have been correct.


Back to normal on my end. Thanks!

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