Gen2 Blurry Screen

Nice! I am planning to add a 3D print matrix and an acrylic difusser to my Gen 1 to get a similar effecg. Yours seem to be completely transparent and not diffusing at all. It is all good look nonetheless. Although I would recommend a black diffuser to test out and approach a “square-led” look.

I am planning to do so myself. The company I am found can actually get the acrylic piece precisely to your dimensions. For the tidbyt it will have to be 192mm x 96mm.

I actually have done all the steps necessary. Just need to get that diffuser I shared above. Sadly, on my first attempt I got the wrong type of acrylic from a different supplier. It wasn’t a diffuser acrylic so it did not work out. However, I have kept it for now because the black translucent acrylic actually looks pretty nice. It gives a silky black look to it:

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Yeah, I only had a gel on hand, I just ordered the led sheet that you suggested! Thank you!

Oh and your OG looks great!

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I really wanted to order the one mentioned way above in the thread, the Adafruit one cuz Adafruit are honestly the gods of DYI proyects like these. (plus it is $10 cheaper) Sadly I don’t have a laser cutter or any cutting tools to cut their panel to the precise size that the Tidbyt needs it to be. So my second option is now that supplier that thankfully does fulfill custom sizing

Btw, did you measure the dimensions of the Tidbyt GEN 2? The GEN 1 does have panel measurements of 192mm x 96mm, I don’t know if that also applies to the GEN 2 or not🤔

I did order it to size, but forgot to ask for rounded corners… So will probably dry fit this one and then order another with rounded corers… maybe I will get lucking and it is close enough.

@locust95 Hmmm, perhaps if you contact them (and your order still hasnt been produced) and ask them if they can do that for you. Well, at least the other supplier from where I got my non-diffusing acrylic were able to make changes for me even after I submitted my order.
Laser Cutting & Waterjet Cutting Materials (

I’ll chime in.
Went to order the Gen 1, but decided to wait for the Gen 2. Just got it today.
And no, I don’t like the overly aggressive diffuser. The word “blurry” definitely applies, and there isn’t really a way to spin the word “crisper” so that it actually means “blurrier.”
The display just looks…damaged. Not just the blurriness, but the way it affects the colors, white in particular. It seems like it’s out -of-focus, and suffering from chromatic aberration.
The retro low-bit effect was part of the charm and conceit of the device. Literally just blurring an image doesn’t make it cleaner. Anti-aliasing is real and does indeed improve perceived image qualityt, but it’s not achieved by simply blurring every single pixel in the same way.
I think y’all made a bad call here.

Just set my Gen 2 across the living room, instead of here at my desk, where it had been since I unpackaged it yesterday. It looks great across the room. Give it a chance, folks. Try it in some different positions. I can’t believe how many people are being big babies about this.

Its not about being a baby about it, it just doesn’t look good. At all. You insulting me for not liking what was promised doesn’t help the situation nor makes you any more credible.

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I get that beauty is subjective, and everyone has their own taste. But what really bugs me is the button. A lot of people say it only looks great from across the room, but if that’s the case, why even add a button? The button was supposed to be one of the main differences from Gen 1, making people think it was designed to be used up close, like on a desk or within arm’s reach.

On top of that, Tidbyt still hasn’t updated their developer docs, so anyone wanting to make use of the button in their own apps is totally left in the dark. So, between the fact that it looks best from far away and that the button isn’t really supported, it feels like the button is kind of a letdown.

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