Gen2 Blurry Screen

As a few people have said in this thread… we only “invested” in a product and perhaps we should have “expected what we got”. But…regardless, the end result is the Gen 2 product just doesn’t look good. Tidbyt Gen1 had a cool retro pixel look that people loved. Gen 2 just looks like something is wrong with a cheap LCD screen. I would absolutely trade my Gen 2 for a Gen 1 in a heartbeat.


I’ve had my unit a week and finally unboxed it excited… I couldn’t be more disappointed. Clear, crisp bright? This has gone so far away from what made the first unit cool and unique. This is like a plastic fake pixel display. The blurry look is so distracting I don’t think Im going to keep it.

Sucked after waiting for a year+ for it.

Cleaner crisper brighter?

The diffused look emphasizes the cheapness of overall experience


Originally, it was marketed as double the resolution. I don’t see that on any of the pictures. I have mine here still in the box and I’m afraid to open it. I would greatly prefer sharpness over diffusion. That just makes it harder to focus on the content. Why don’t I remember any reference to diffusion, but I was also one of the first to get Gen 2. I bought for my son but if it’s this bad, both Gen 2 and Gen 1 will go into the trash and this will be the last Kickstarter I ever get involved with.


From the Website:

Enhanced Display

Our gorgeous new display brings you sharp text and clearer photos. It looks perfect up close, and is still easily readable from all the way across the room.

Note SHARP and CLEARER both prominent words in the description. I think this would warrant a refund.


Wow - this look very poor - I thought it was just me, It looks so blurry…

Would like to send it back too, would rather have another V1 - even people who come into office, think the original one is the upgrade…

What a disapointment!


Mine arrived today and thankfully looks OK. Build quality looks nice, although I did find I needed to slightly push the screen around the edges and in the middle perhaps to reseat it slightly. It’s defiantly not as bright or “sparkly” as the V1 but I would say easier to read particularly scrolling text.

Diffuser stays on (for now at least)

I’m very disappointed with this blurry screen. I see some people in here justifying it bc it’s a Kickstarter project but that’s not fair. The pictures of the product did not show an extremely blurry screen which is what I received. It actually looks better in these photos but in reality it looks like I’m viewing a screen without my glasses on. I waited a year for this!?


Interesting, might be an assembly issue then. I wonder if that misalignment is happening on all the orders

But not what was received


just got mine and thought it was broken or something was wrong with it. it looks different than on Kickstarter. it looks really bad unfortunately.

most phones actually sharpen it because it looks like smudge on the lens but itll look like real life if you have a raw mode.


On what brightness setting did you have it when you took this photo? :thinking: Do the blurriness, or the perception of it, decreases when you increase the brightness to, lets say, 75%?

The procedure that is described to address the issue is something that would definitely void any product warranty that would apply from the manufacturer. I think its fair to say that Backers should not be expected to take this technical task on themselves and risk having a brand new prduct which doesnt work to their satisfaction and has no applicable warranty. I read Tidbyt’s “official” response to the question of screen resolution on the Gen 2, and I respectfully disagreevthat Backers received what was promised in the realm of a “crisper, clearer” display. Hanging their hat on the semantics of the campaign description and chalking the issue up to a lack of reading comprehension by Backers just seems like bad damage control and an abandonment of an acceptable level of Customer Support on the part of Tidbyt. I cant imagine anyone selecting the Gen 2 unit over the Gen 1 unit if the displays of both were shown side by side on the Website. Perhaps the Gen 2 unit was less costly to manufacture and hence more profitable for Tidbyt to sell, but I would gladly exchange my Gen 2 unit for another Gen 1 if given the opportunity. I have owned and liked my Gen 1 for a couple of years now. The Gen 2 is a disappointment in my opinion after living with the Gen 1. Tidbyt should make good on this issue.


Unless they ran the photo through the image correction featurre on their phone/camera to sharpen the appearance. In any case what was shown on the Campaign info is NOT what Backers received. No amount of explanation to the efect of a lack of readring comprehension amongst Backers or semantics of the Campaign wording can properly justify the issue of what was promised vs what was actually delivered in my and many others opinion.

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I would do the same If Tidbyt lets us. How they respond to this issue will speak volumes about their integrity as a manufacturer and to the long term viability of the company.

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It has been communicated directly to me that they have no intentions of accepting standard returns for the Gen 2 Kickstater for this issue.

  1. I’ll take a few more at different levels but its an issue regardless…
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I’m in the UK

I ordered a Gen1 and saw the gen2 announcement and cancelled my order. Been waiting over a year. It arrived today.

I feel like mine is very blurry. See photos. Compare to the edge for focus reference point.

I’m so disappointed by this product, especially given it’s supposed to be generation2, advertised as this on kickstarter.

Tidbyt Gen 2: Sharper, crisper, clearer

This is just false advertising. I can’t imagine the Gen1 was worse than this otherwise


That’s plentiful bright for sure. Issue of blurriness shouldn’t be noticeable at that brightness on normal cases. For example I have my Tidbyt GEN 1 at 10 or 20 max, and it is readable across the room and perfectly fine on my desk. Can’t imagine having to have mine at 50 lol

Had the same issue… got impatient and used my heat gun to pull off the diffuser lens. To me it looks like it needs to be flush with the LED panel and it is not. That makes it blurry. I ended up an tossed the lens and just put a filter over it. Air gun got it a little too hot and scuffed the corner pulling it out, but otherwise it looks fine.


I think mine looks just fine, too. It is not on my desk, it is across the room in a position that you can see if from a lot of angles. I may someday take off the diffuser and replace it with the one from Amazon that another user recommended, but right now I don’t feel that the display is so bad that I would take the time and $9 to do so. I’m very happy with the product, though…I am only running four apps but it is exactly what I wanted.

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