Zapier Integration

COOL! I am down to give it a try. Let me know what I need to do.

Great! You should’ve gotten an invite from Zapier via email just now.

The integration is currently really basic. You can:

  • Change device brightness
  • Display a message
  • Display an existing 64x32 image
  • Stop displaying one of the above

I’m interested to hear if it works for you, and what else you’d like to do with it.

One thing I already have in mind is that it would be handy to display a graph somehow. And also to be able to format the displayed message better so you can have different colors, fonts, etc., per line.


I’m definitely down to help test the zapier integration! This opens so many other doors with zapiers giant library.

I could feed in complex information, anything in a google sheet can then get in there, which means excel like and live feeds you guys haven’t touched yet.

Zapier used to be cheaper with an easy 1000 tasks a month but I’ll see what I could do at 100 tasks a month.

Just had my device arrive today.

I would definitely love to try this!

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Is this still in the test period? If so, I’d love to try it.

Super interested in this for when I get a tidbyt. We use Zapier a ton at work so I’m sure I could setup some really cool things.

I have an enterprise plan with Zapier with work and would love to test the limits here!

Hi Rohan! I got Tidbyt for my partna’s birthday, and we’re having a blast setting it up. I’m a heavy Zapier user and would LOVE to test this integration.

Is this still something others can join?

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I also would love to try the integration….

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Hey folks,

It’s been quite a while but we’re reviving this thread and putting some time into Zapier. One issue that I ran into with the previous attempt at building a Zapier integration is that we never quite figured out what to do with it.

If anyone has a very specific use for Zapier + Tidbyt in mind, I’d love to hear it.

This is such a hard question to answer because of the custom nature of zapier. Remember that I will have a trigger with an output of text or lines of text that I would love to see on the Tidbyt.

Here are a couple of really useful things that I now get via SMS today that would be awesome on the Tidbyt


1. New Form Result in Formsite


2. Create Task in Capsule CRM (1.2.7)

3. Notify me on Tidbyt of New Task


1. New Form Result in Formsite


2. Find Contact in Capsule CRM (1.2.7)


3. Add Note to Entity in Capsule CRM (1.2.7)

4. Send message to Tidbyt


1. New Subscriber in Sendy


2. Send Email in Gmail

3. Send message to Tidbyt

Rather than me have to check in on Capsule, a notification in my office to check is the type of useful data I would love to have.

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Hey folks! We’re excited to announce that we have a Zapier integration in public beta :tada:. To get started, check out our documentation on for a quick start guide. We’d love to hear any feedback you have, please let us know in the comments below.

Disclaimer: We are offering this a Beta feature right now, it’s available and free for anyone to use. Availability of this feature might change in the future as we learn more about how it performs and how it’s being used.


Hey Mark,

When I go to log in to my tidbyt on Zapier I get this error.

Hey @joshsorenson, just confirming, this error was happening when you tried to sign in with your Apple ID?

If so, it should be fixed now.

Yep, that worked!

Would love an option with no icon. It seems limited, forcing an icon and only providing 4 super-specific options. Also, the icon takes up a HUGE region of the screen.


Zapier events don’t seem to age out, nor have any timeout.
For example if you set up a notification using these instructions:

The notificaiton persists indefinitely, meaning it will continuously pop up in your rotation. Notifications shouldn’t be indefinite.

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When setting up Zapier on my tidbyt, as the icon i can only choose generic, slack, shopify and github under notification type. Are there plans to add more icons? Or the option to add icons ourselves?

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Hi @rohan

My specific use might be something not many others would have interest in. I run a fire/police/rescue social media for the county that I live it (called Frederick Scanner). I use my TidByt in my office to display the most recent fire call (see image). It does it via email to Zapier to TidByt and uses the subheading field to display the body of the email which contains the latest fire/rescue call.

My only ask (at the moment) would be to allow more space for the whole email body in the Subheading. Generally it uses around 150-165 characters (about 22-25 words) for each fire call.

I noticed that the Zapier app only stays on for 15 seconds while other apps seem to stay on longer such as the Messages app stays on for 20 seconds. So maybe its a time problem? Maybe my request should be that the Zapier app could stay on longer?

IMG_0974_AdobeExpress (1)

It doesn’t appear that you’re focusing on this Zapier integration much, and I do understand that it is just a part of a much larger picture for you. But as a developer, who also has kids, life, etc. to deal with, I have already used this Zapier set up to create a simple ski report for a resort (Purgatory) that isn’t covered yet in an actual tidbyt app. It was a good deal easier than learning a whole new language, which I still may do…however, this really bridges the gap between, “I can’t be bothered, it’s too much work to learn a new language” and “cool, my Tidbyt now does my little custom thing.”

Please consider adding some additional features, like the ability to remove the icon at a minimum. :slight_smile: