Usage Metrics

The simple publishing process probably makes it challenging to provide private metrics to developers about their apps, but it seems reasonable to publicly display some baseline metrics for all apps:

  • Active installation count
  • Total installation count
  • Total render count
  • Unique device count
  • Total removal count

Can we enable this?


As an app developer, this would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:


This and also I loved and among others idea of also there being like a rating system. Doesn’t have to be so complex, just a simple 5 star system where folks can rate the apps in the App Store. And who knows, also a tab or category where you can see which apps are the hottest currently, etc. Being able to report a bug in the app and that pings the dev? (lets all remember that not every tidbyt owner will hop on the forums and report things. It is important for those functionalities to live within the app.