Tidbyt can't find wifi network

Hi all. Setting up my Tidbyt for the first time. Stuck at the step where it asks to “Pick a wi-fi network”. It keeps refreshing lots of available wifi networks, but mine never shows up. I had my device and phone within a few feet of my router at the time and the wifi was working on all other devices.

Any ideas why it cannot find my wifi?



Did you end up finding a solution? I’m having the same issue :confused:

Do you know if you have a 2.4GHz network available, or perhaps only 5Ghz?

Does it not work with 5g? I only have the pw for the 5g network for my apartment.

From the FAQ: “Tidbyt supports 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi networks, with or without a password.” No 5g.


Just received a Gen 2.

Installed the app (Android), and no WiFi networks display to pick.

I have both 2.4 and 5 within 2 feet of where it’s plugged in, and many other 2.4 networks within “Reach”

My phone sees them all from the Wi-Fi config app, but not inside the Tidbyt app itself