Tempest app not displaying

A few days ago the Tempest Weather app stopped displaying on Tidbyt. The other two apps I use are fine. Tempest Weather indicates it’s connected in the app, but nothing is displaying. When I try to change the dewpoint/feels like option it appears to save but nothing happens. I’ve reinstalled the app on my phone, reset/rebooted the Tidbyt, and reloaded the three Tidbyt apps I use. The Tempest is working fine - all of the data is available on the Tempest app. Anyone else encountered this recently? This is the first issue I’ve had in two years.

Tempest is displaying normally for me.

Thanks. I think there is a problem with my Tempest hub. Everything else on the Tidbyt is working fine.

Note that tempest has an undocumented invisible quota on the amount of unauthenticated requests for each station; once the limit is reached, it just stops returning data. This may be the case here, especially if you get a similar error accessing the website for your data, unauthenticated.