Surf Captain

Hello - Any developer out there that surfs? I think it would be cool to display the surf captain information on the tidbyt. Wake up - check the surf near you to see if it is good on your tidbyt on your nightstand. Call off work sick. Hit the beach

Unless the surfcaptain site explicitly allows for this type of use then it’s not viable to put this app in community. If they end up blocking the servers access then app is dead in the water. There is the NOAA buoy app available and working which can be used to tell if the surf is up or not.

But I just looked at the site and it would require scraping the specific page you are interested in order to get the data to display on the tidbyt. This can work but it’s pretty fiddly and annoying to do.

You can also reach out to the maintainers of the site and ask if they would implement an API for members to use or tell them about the tidbyt. Perhaps they could sell the tidbyt bundled with their app.