
Why do I get the feeling there is not much support offered for the original Tidbyt anymore? Are the apps being updated at all? Seems like a lot of them aren’t working at all, or very poorly :angry: Not much incentive to buy the next generation if this is the kind of support that we’re going to get.

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It depends on the app, most of which aren’t developed by Tidbyt. It’s been a while since I’ve noticed any new apps though. One problem I keep seeing is there are a lot of great ideas that are possible, but the cost of using some APIs is too high.

It would be nice if there were more core apps created and maintained by Tidbyt themselves. I don’t plan on getting a 2nd gen unit at this point, but I’m happy with the one I have. There are still plenty of working apps, but everyone uses it for different reasons.


Sadly it is one of Tidbyt’s apps, that’s what I find it so annoying. No chance I would ever buy a 2nd generation one if they’re not even going to provide support to their own apps.

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Community apps are still being created and update regularly by developers.
Just look at the number of open/closed PRs on Github, some of them are for adding new apps while others are fixes.

But I agree with your point, the Tidbyt staff should strive to maintain official apps in a working state.

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I agree, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen an app that got me excited. I enjoy my tidbyt still but I don’t check for new apps often anymore. They’re usually just clocks or public transit that’s not near me.

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One of the problems is that the mobile app does not do a very good job of showing you the latest apps.
There is a “what’s new” section there, but it doesn’t really show the latest apps. :frowning_face:

What kinds of apps do you want that don’t exist? The great thing about this community is you can frequently get what you want just by asking us if we will build it.


there is an app in Tidbyt (community made) that shows the most recent releases called “New Apps”.
it is much more reliable than looking the latest apps in the mobile tidbyt app.

I will agree, one thing that can be improved is to showcase newest apps; that said, Tidbyt seems to be designed as a static information board, you just add the apps that provide you the information you need and you forget about it (as I did) and that is what I like to this little gadget.


Never knew about that. I looked it up and it lists “Weather” as a new app. But when I search Tidbyt there’s no “Weather” app.

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There is another one called “Tidbyt App Track”, but it scrolls so fast that it’s impossible to read!

Edit: ok, it scrolls fast the first time you install because it considers all apps as “new”. Then each day it will look for new apps and only show you wha’ts really new and wasn’t there on the days before.


Oh it’s listing “Weather” as a new app because the official “Weather” app has been updated by the Tidbyt team. :wink:


I noticed that. Like when you search by name on the “search bar” a random app shows up that I can’t even find in any of the subcategories, tabs, or even new apps section. Like, I didn’t even know they existed at all. It made me wonder how many are our there that I am not even aware of. I wish it was easier to find

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