Stocks coming back?

I received a rather passive email from the company telling me that the Stocks app has lost its data source. And indeed, these seem to have been removed from the catalog (but not from my device)

What is the ETA for restoring these apps?


With the removal of the stocks app my Tidbyt has become almost useless. Please bring the stock app back.


The whole reason I bought a TidByt was because of the stocks app.

Please bring this back ASAP, and in the meantime discuss your strategy.

My guess is that the service you used to collect data has gone offline.

What are some other options?
Who can change the code to pull from a new data source?

If you can’t find a free source, perhaps let users put in a paid API key? Some users will be happy to pay for a data feed.


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


Apparently nobody at Tidbyt is monitoring this forum. A sure sign the company is entering a death spiral?


:wave: I was running into issues with API limits with some of the other stock applets that were using Alpha Vantage (25 requests per day) or upgrade for $40+ per month for 75 per minute.

I worked today on a simple stock app, put in a PR earlier for it. New App: Stock Spotlight by sethcottle · Pull Request #2641 · tidbyt/community · GitHub

It uses Finnhub, their API seemingly limits you to 60 API calls per minute… so the goal is to hopefully provide a bit better real-time support. I’m not day trading or anything, so it’s pretty simplistic to just give me what I need for somewhat of a portfolio overview. Just showcases symbol, price, percent change. Up to 3 symbols per added applet instance (5s each for the 15s total applet display time). Played with Alpha Vantage and Polygon, settled on Finnhub in the end.



It has been nearly a month and still no update or fix from Tidbyt. :frowning:

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Just joined this page to look for the same info. One of the things i loved about this product was the stocks. Now it is not as fun to watch.

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I have also noticed the stocks apps are gone in my huge list of apps.

Quite disappointing as an early adopter of tidbyt.

I hope they can resolve this issue and reinstate the original application.

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I am also VERY disappointed and disgusted at the callous attitude Tidbyt has about this.

It’s been about two months, and NOTHING.

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And, if you go to their website they feature Stocks and other apps that no longer work. Woe onto any new purchasers!