Sonos app broken in a few ways

I got my Tidbyt as a Kickstarter backer with the Sonos app as a main selling point. The app has worked but in the past week or so it stopped working. It doesn’t display on the Tidbyt even when Sonos is playing and it always shows a clock icon in the iOS app.

When I click on the Sonos Tidbyt app to get to the configuration screen, the Player indicating which Sonos player it should be displaying info for randomly changes each time I click and dismiss the dialog.

Is this a known issue? I wish I had the source to help diagnose it, but as yet the Sonos app isn’t part of the public github.

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No one answered this? I just bought one for the purpose of setting it up to display Sonos Now Playing, and my player keeps changing.

You brought this up three months ago and no one has replied or fixed it?

I’m having this issue too. Every time I open the settings for the Sonos integration, it shows a different speaker selected. So only about 10% of the time it actually chooses the right one. Really a bummer.