The SF Muni app stopped updating times a few days ago and now seems to have disappeared from the list of apps on Tidbyt. Will it be coming back anytime soon?
Yup, I noticed that too… no longer works and has completely disappeared from the app.
Not sure if the author took it down or what…
Going to give the author a few days to fix it before coding my own solution. Too bad cause I really like it.
Your efforts would likely be equally doomed
Turns out that Muni switched off the API with basically no notice. It’s unclear what the replacement is now without contacting them directly.
Update: I sent them an email as they directed on Twitter, and will update here when I hear back what they suggest to use going forward.
Oooof, ok. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll try to research this too.
Also following this! My one and only app I used on tidbyt Would love to see it up and running again. Found some success with the TransSee app, but that one has a monthly fee and kept on cutting out!
Hey cooper! Curious if you ever found out what went wrong - any world where this plugin would come back?