[Resolved] Unable to delete app using CURL command line

I’ve been successful pushing an App Installation to my Tidbyt but am having zero luck figuring out how to programmatically delete an App using CURL. As far as I can tell, I’m using the correct syntax, API Key, Installation ID and Device ID but I keep getting an error message about the device not being found.

My command line:
curl --request DELETE https://api.tidbyt.com/v0/devices/{DeviceID}/installations/{App.ID} --header “{APIToken}” --header ‘Content-Type:application/json’ --insecure

{“code”:2,“message”:“device not found”,“details”:}

Any ideas?

Update: I was missing "Authorization:Bearer " at the beginning of the API token string. Working now. That requirement was sure hard to find.

Check here Unable to delete app using CURL command line

@Tavis_Gustafson, I guess you didnt realize you created a circular reference. No biggie