Publishing Apps

Is my understanding correct that if we are running/serving the apps ourselves, we lose access to the default apps (stocks, weather, etc)? Due to not having those .star files to execute.

Yes! By creating a Community Apps repo, we could run your script like we do for all of our internal apps. So you’d be able to do all sorts of HTTP operations inside of your app

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If you use the Push API you can set an installationID. If you do, the device will show installations in order and use your latest pushed images for that ID.

If you don’t set the installationID and simply push images in a loop, it will take over the device and no longer display your other installations until you stop pushing.

Let me know if that makes sense :smiley:

Thanks for the reply, Mark!
I must not understand the Push API like I originally thought. The device behavior is identical for when I set a unique installationId (along with the Base64 image property) and when I leave installationId off entirely. The pushed image immediately takes over the device for X number of seconds in both situations.
There doesn’t seem to be an order that is respected with the pushed image.

Also, the newly added installation doesn’t show up when getting the list of device installations via API.
I must be missing something?

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Well derp. Upon further investigation, I was not capitalizing the “D” in installationID, which was causing a silent issue registering the app. With the fix, everything seems to be working as expected :slight_smile:


I just received my Tidbyt and am really enjoying tinkering around with it. I’ve created a Twitter app that can show your follower count, or the follower count of any username you’d like.

It looks like this:

You can find it here:

I think it would be cool if this could be published for others to use.



When I push with an installationID, it replaces the current image with the pushed image. Similar to what @theblake was saying

The pushed image immediately takes over the device for X number of seconds in both situations.
There doesn’t seem to be an order that is respected with the pushed image.

Is there a way to update an app without replacing what is being displayed?

Hey @mark, I’m consistently getting this error when trying to use the Push API with curl:

{"code":16,"message":"auth error: rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = Bad authorization string","details":[]}%

I’m using the same API key and Device ID that I’m using for Pixlet (which is working fine to push webp files to the tidbyt).

@Millsionaire, what does your curl request look like?

If I’m reading this right, this means that I could push an image continually to the same installationID and it would remain in the rotation and display the new image each time through the rotation?

It would be fantastic if there was a way to manage a link between an installationID (potentially providing it to an app as an app key) so that a 3rd party app could link a deviceID through authenticating with a tidbyt account. Once that’s done, the app could use its assigned installationID and deviceID to use the push API to update a given user’s app “state” using the push API. At that point, that feels like a way for developers to run their own infra while only dealing with images and the Push API without running arbitrary code within tidbyt infra

As an app developer the next potential api extension I think I would want is a way to say “use this next push as a notification” to pull it to the active app before returning to the rotation. The use case in mind is that I have is a “live now” type notification (I’m thinking of a " went live type app that I’d want to display briefly immediately. Another usecase for this would be a “new donation/follower/subscriber” style notification)

The one thing that immediately comes to mind that would need to be solve with this type of model is rate limiting to not DDOS your API

@tget4 This is what my curl request looks like:

curl --request GET \
  --url<DEVICE ID>/installations \
  --header 'Authorization: <API KEY>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

@Millsionaire make sure you are adding Bearer to the Authorization header

Authorization: Bearer <API-KEY>


That was it. Thank you!

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I love your community repo idea. I’m a developer at a company that does something similar – we have a community repo that anyone can make PRs against to update their own code or even someone else’s, and our paid developers review it before pushing it into the wild. But in our case, even if you wrote the code, because of the nature of the product it’s kind of “community property”, and I don’t think that’s the case here. It would have to be a little stricter on who can update what. I wouldn’t want strangers deciding that they don’t like the size of the image on my app and just making a PR on it with no permission from me, you know?

Anyway I made this little app that pulls a random reddit post from a list of subreddits that a user would define on their phone, gets a random image post from the list of hot posts, and displays it with the title, subreddit, and ID.

It would be cool if this was an app, because the way things are pushed right now, I would have to run a script constantly on my macbook to update the actual post it’s displaying and my Macbook isn’t my main machine so it’s not on most of the time and none of this works on my Windows machine at all. :frowning: It uses the public Reddit API, so there’s no concerns about permissions, and the only user configuration it needs is a list of subreddits to pull from.

I just want to give you guys my code so I can get that sweet sweet dopamine of cats in ties popping up on my device. Thank you for your cat-tie consideration.


@dmc I think I’d prefer the inverse of this. I’d like a webhook app where I can configure an endpoint to make an HTTP request every time the app is ready to display (with DeviceID/InstallationID in the payload). This endpoint would live on my own infrastructure and would be responsible for returning a webp/gif/jpg. Then there’s no worry about Tidbyt managing my code or worrying about DDOSing their APi

The great thing is both ideas aren’t mutually exclusive, so both could be supported, giving developers flexibility of the model they’d like to support

The reason I suggested the “developer push” model is that the current API is fairly close to supporting it. You could do “developer push” with the webhook version as well: if Tidbyt offers the option of triggering a pull, then you can use Tidbyt for time-sensitive updates.

I’m interested in the breaking news, someone just went live, real time notification possibilities of Tidbyt and would be disappointed if there’s no possibility to say “I want to show this up now” type notification (as I type this, there is a feature request in the suggested topics for PagerDuty notifications, which would likely require this type of usecase)

I made an app for MBTA transit times. (I’m not sure why the built-in transit app doesn’t include MBTA bus routes, only commuter rail.) I wouldn’t mind contributing it to a shared repository, but there needs to be some mechanism to pass secrets like API keys.

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I am trying to publish a custom written application, and when attempting to push as documented, the application still isn’t sticking in the list of installed applications.

pixlet push --api-token <YOUR API TOKEN> <YOUR DEVICE ID> examples/bitcoin.webp <INSTALLATION ID>

I’ve attempted to push this using the following formats:

pixlet push --api-token <YOUR API TOKEN> <YOUR DEVICE ID> examples/bitcoin.webp TEST ID
pixlet push --api-token <YOUR API TOKEN> <YOUR DEVICE ID> examples/bitcoin.webp "TEST ID"
pixlet push --api-token <YOUR API TOKEN> <YOUR DEVICE ID> examples/bitcoin.webp installationID=TEST ID
pixlet push --api-token <YOUR API TOKEN> <YOUR DEVICE ID> examples/bitcoin.webp installationID="TEST ID"

None of these options are working. What is the proper way to send in this installation ID to keep the application saved?

The installation id must be alphanumeric, so nothing besides letters and numbers, so try

pixlet push --api-token <YOUR API TOKEN> <YOUR DEVICE ID> examples/bitcoin.webp TestID

I have also tried this - it also did not save. It displayed once and never again.