Publish apps

Hopefully someone can help be with these to issues:

Issue 1
So one of my connect TIDBYTS im attemptiung to publish one of my custom apps to it however, the scrolling message is not finishing, I checked in the .star

return render.Root(
    show_full_animation = True,
    max_age = 45,

and this is how im pushing it

first the pixlet renser then
${binpath}/pixlet push --api-token $MY_API_TOKEN $MY_DEVICE_ID --background ${webpath}/tidbyt_ambn.webp AMBN

Any ideas how to get the full annamation to finish on a pushed webp?$a

Issue 2:
Additional questin when adding the script to cron to run every minute I get this:
root@linux001:~/data# cat cron.tidbyt.log
Tidbyt API returned status 400 Bad Request
{“code”:3, “message”:“provide an image”, “details”:}
root@linux001:~/data# /root/
root@linux001:~/data# cat cron.tidbyt.log
Tidbyt API returned status 400 Bad Request
{“code”:3, “message”:“provide an image”, “details”:}
Tidbyt API returned status 400 Bad Request
{“code”:3, “message”:“provide an image”, “details”:}
root@linux001:~/data# /root/

but from root shell its fine any ideas on this issue as well?

Issue 2 figured out withing shell script the pixlet push line needed encapslated in ticks. so onle issue 1 now.

IIRC the show full animation only works for apps that run the tidbyt cloud. If you signed up for private app then it would probably work.

Yeah that’s correct, show_full_animation only works for private apps that run in our backend.