In the authoring tutorial, it says you can pass config variables with either
- Passing URL query parameters when using
pixlet serve
- Setting command-line arguments via
pixlet render
I was at least trying to do 1), but how do you pass query params with pixlet serve? I tried appending query params to with no affect. It would be helpful if there were actual examples of each of these approaches.
run pixlet serve on a star file in the community repo. Then navigate to
When you change the preference schemas they are added to the query params in the url. They should be accessible via the config object.
Im havinf same issue and tried modifing the star file as well setting the default value, Please help us understand how to pass the parmrs, my example in shell
the hdk is loaded, then in shell i run timeout 30 pixlet server ./ -i
I cannot get it to show the time and blink colon since its. a parm
even setting default value in the .star file
Same issue with problem with henrys clock I cannot set blink to pass and modding thr value from false to true no diffrence. so its like it dont even read the parms for the url when tring to have served locally on provate networks
and ideas hos wo either fix pixlet to allow a cli for the prrms since you allow save config with pixlet server on the url why not allow us to also send that json thats created so the paramaters can get configured?
I assume all app with parms will not work if a parm needs passed without modification, and unfortunately im not spare enough to figure out how to remve them and just set it static on the apps i want to run locally only.
pixlet serve is not really meant to have params passed to it from the command line. It is designed to allow you to change params and view the result via the web interface.
Passing params to pixlet render should work and you’ll end up with a webp file which you then push to your pixlet via pixlet push or another mechanism like mqtt.
If you are running the HDK then the webp should be accessible via an http url on your local network. pixlet render should output and update this image and the tidbyt will periodically fetch the webp image over the network.
Any ideas, that didnt work tried with and without quotes.
root@channelsdvr:~/tidbyt# ./pixlet render ./hdk-main/ “time_format”=“12 hour”,“blink_time”=“true” -o /var/www/html/api/v1/preview.webp
I got this to work needs “” so now Im stuck on the update how do i get my api key now I cannot get it to push
again KDE im using
root@channelsdvr:~/tidbyt# ./pixlet push /var/www/html/api/v1/preview1.webp --api-token d8923c3c8741ed118fb073e70a86e0b4
Tidbyt API returned status 401 Unauthorized
{“code”:16, “message”:“token is not active”, “details”:[]}
Error: Tidbyt API returned status: 401 Unauthorized
root@channelsdvr:~/tidbyt# pio device list
Hardware ID: USB VID:PID=10C4:EA60 SER=d8923c3c8741ed118fb073e70a86e0b4 LOCATION=1-1.4
Description: CP2102N USB to UART Bridge Controller
You can’t push to an IP address. Pushing only works by going through the tidbyt backend. If you are using the HDK then what you need to do is render the webp to a local file then allow the tidbyt to fetch the file over http on it’s own schedule. Or if you are going to use an MQTT style firmware then the it would be transferred over mqtt.