Outlook Calendar Issue

If it helps the developer, here is what I’m seeing: I have three Microsoft related apps installed. Two from Matt-Pesce, Outlook Calendar and Meeting Stats. And MS Teams Status from schumatt.

I’m suspecting something different in the way Matt-Pesce is logging in vs schumatt (not sure if they are the same developer but the apps are behaving differently.

MS Teams Status seems to stay logged in/connected for weeks now. Side note, I do see it staying on the tidbyt for 3-5 minutes but it is always accurate and connected to my MS account in my tenant.

Outlook Calendar and Meeting Stats seem to stay connected to my account for 2-3 hours then start reporting The redirect uri specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configuration for the application 751cb507-fb0c…(scrolls to fast to get the rest, sorry) General failure 400

Hope this helps!!

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Just checking in on this issue. The Outlook Calendar is my favorite and most important app for Tidbyt - hope this gets resolved!

So… should I just assume that this will never work again?

@Matt It looks like there is a redirect URI programmed for localhost that is breaking this in the Tidbyt Enterprise Application. If that is corrected, it should fix this error. Below is the Microsoft doc about the issue. I hope this helps as I’d love to use this.

Hi guys, so sorry - I didn’t see that y’all were having problems until I got notified by @Kellhound’s note today. I noted that Localhost is mentioned but are you running the Calendar and meeting stats apps via your mobile device or are you pushing directly to your Tidbyt via a local server?

Happy to help get this resolved.

Through the mobile app.

Got it - and the breadcrumbs above are enough for me to dig in. Neither localhost nor should be involved in the mobile auth sequence. I suspect that I cut and pasted a spurious parameter (URI_redirect) in another Graph API call where the parameter is not required/valid. MSFT graph will sometimes ignore it and other times not and throw the error you are seeing. But that’s just a guess at this point. Will get back to you over the weekend. Thanks again for your patience

At first glance, looks like there is a bug in my call to refresh the access token, it contains redirect_uri and checking the graph API docs it should not be there. That would explain why the error thows after a few hours. Strangely enough, I have both apps running for weeks and dont see that error. Assuming this is the issue, will make the edits and submit the change over the weekend.

Ok the fix is in for both Outlook calendar and Meeting stats apps. Will advise when they get released.


Oy, turns out this was an old bug that I fixed in 2023, but inadvertently re-introduced with the addition of the full day/scroll feature. My bad, I will correct this weekend. For those who sweat the details, see below

****offending code below, fix is to simply remove the redirect_uri parameter from the statement

refresh_body = “refresh_token=” + outlook_refresh_token + “&redirect_uri=” + “&client_id=” + client_id + “&client_secret=” + client_secret + “&grant_type=refresh_token” + “&scope=Calendars.read”

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