Now Spinning

So basically, I’m hoping for an app that can display what album I have on my turntable.

I figure the easiest way to do this would be by using the Spotify API. Since I’m not coder, I don’t actually know how to make it, but it would be like:

Top Text (Static) : Now Spinning
Left column: Album Art of most recently played song
Right Column (stacked):

  • (Marquee,in Spotify Green or from a selection of colors) Album Name of most recently played song
  • (Marquee, White) Artist Name of most recently played song

When you want a specific album displayed, just play a song from that album on Spotify, and voíla! That way, you don’t need to actually be playing Spotify to see it, and it’s just the album name, not the song name

So you want it to always show the last album/artist you played on Spotify? Even when you stop playing, you want it displayed there until you play something new from a different album or artist?

Yes, precisely, instead of the current Spotify app (which is great!)

I would basically want it to look like this, but with the Album art included (which I think is core to the coolness)

You need one of these

Hmm this doesn’t quite do what I want though, I don’t want something that only plays the album art

yeah i was just bringing your attention a similar product. So you want a clone of the spotify app but just remains on screen even after playing has stopped ? Does the spotify app already do the album art ?

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Yes! And it does! It shows the song title at top with the album on the left underneath and the artist name and album name underneath on the right. Ideally (but this would be maybe too advanced) it wouldn’t need to be connected to the playing history at all, I would just be able to search and find the album Im looking for. But that might be a lot for the code/add to handle, given all the albums in Spotify’s database

Oh, if you don’t even need it to be connected to a playing history and you’re ok with having to manually change the album, then it should be easy enough to implement with a free API like MusicBrainz API - MusicBrainz

Tidbyt apps support a “Typeahead” control, we can build something like this where you start typing the name of the album and we show everything that matches so you can pick the correct one:

Once you select an album, there’s also an API for retrieving the cover image: Cover Art Archive / API - MusicBrainz

I’ll look into it in the next days :wink:

Oh this is sick, thank you!! Excited to see what you’re able to do!

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Ok, the app has been submitted for review by the Tidbyt team!

This is how it looks like:

There are options to change the colors of all the text.
I have also included an option to “hide” the app. It removes the app from rotation until you enable it again. Useful for when there’s nothing playing as you don’t need to really remove the app from the Tidbyt and then add it again from the app store.

Link to follow the approval process:

This is so cool, thank you for working on this! Its available in the app now! One thing I’m wondering: would it be possible to adjust the size of the album and artist names separately?

@Diesel7688 the app is now live!

You can search and add it from the app store:

It looks great! Is it possible to control the text size for artist and album names separately?

Yes, done!
I have also added a fourth “Extra Large” size option.


We’ll need to go through Tidbyt’s approval process again, so it might take some time until these changes are available.

Hey @Diesel7688, the app with the new options has been released!
I’m not sure if you’ll have to uninstall and reinstall it to see the new options.