NES Clock

I just wanted to announce my first Tidbyt app named NES Clock was just made available. As the name implies its a clock that features brief character animations from various NES titles. I plan to update it with more games down the road.



Very nice, I already have it on mine. Love it

Glad you love it!

FYI there’s a bug where the “Random” game selection doesn’t work (it will always show Super Mario 3). You can manually change the game for the time being. I have an update coming shortly that fixes that and adds several more games to the rotation.

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Awesome. I really like the different scenes and they all look really good.

I have a feeling you’re going to like the next update as well :smiley:


Haha! Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about.

@McDuck New NES Clock just dropped! Enjoy your doppleganger on your Tidbyt :wink:

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I noticed! It’s awesome. The other new games are cool too. Great app. @hx009

Awesome - just added it and it looks great!

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I LOVE this and am using it now.

On suggestion…if you disable the leading 0 before the hour, it would be great if the time is centered. My OCD is triggered when I keep that off and the time is slightly to the right. :blush:

Awesome job though.


Thank you so much for creating this app! Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, this has been one of my favorites!


Yep like the other people I also am using the app and love it!