I have to say that I added this app on a whim when I first got my TIDBYT and it’s become one of my favorites. I don’t think I have ever seen the same thing come up twice. Between all the weather and sports and clocks, it’s quite fun to see something that shows randomly unexpected silliness. Kudos to the developer.
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What are you entering in the prompt? Everything I enter has a lot of repeated emojis. Some only have one or two. I do like the idea of having random things pop up in between the usual stuff. The closest to that I have right now is Random Cats and Emoji Lingo.
At the prompt? I simply added the “Random Slack Emoji” app, I didn’t add or enter anything to it. I will have to check out cats and emoji lingo. Thx
In the settings under Search Query. Maybe that’s why mine repeat a lot. I’m limiting the options by narrowing down to a single topic.