Moon Phases

I’d love to have the Tidbyt show a graphic for the current phase of the moon with its name (full moon, waxing gibbous, etc.). I recognize this can be tricky, but it will be worth it to corner the werewolf market.

:new_moon: :first_quarter_moon: :full_moon: :last_quarter_moon: :new_moon:

I ADORE this idea! I use and live on both the Gregorian Calendar and Lunar Calendar (estimated and sighting) .

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Seems more like a sub-set of a Weather widget…?

Perhaps, adding local sunrise and sunset will also be useful (for the vampires) :wink:

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As long as I can fullscreen it, I’m happy to have this under the weather widget!

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Yes, Im a Moonie and would love this too.

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An App showing the current moon phase now exists. Werewolves Assemble!

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