MBTA App Bug

I’d like to use the MBTA app to see when the next inbound green line trains from the Sutherland Road stop are arriving, but for some reason the app only displays the next two outbound trains heading to Boston College.

Is there any way to choose the direction of travel or at least to have it display the next arrival in each direction?

I believe @marcusb is the developer—Marcus, if you’d have any advice to offer on the above issue, I’d greatly appreciate it! Other than this the app seems to work fine and looks great!

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Hi! I’m having a similar issue with the Tidbyt MBTA app, although I have a workaround that could help you!

The app seems to show the two soonest arrivals, regardless of their direction. If there’s an outbound train in 3 minutes, another outbound train in 5 minutes, and an inbound train in 6 minutes, it seemingly would only show the two outbound trains.

I wish I could select which direction trains to display, as well as eliminate buses (I almost never take the outbound trains or the bus). One thing that this app does well is let you select the arrival time- it’s about a 7 minute walk from my house to the train, so it doesn’t matter to me if there’s a train in 4 minutes. It’s nice that I can set it to show arrivals in, say, 7 minutes. This feature is a what makes me use it over the Tidbyt official transit app!

My workaround is that I have multiple instances of the app running at different arrival times- one in 5 minutes, one in 7 minutes, and one in 10 minutes. This variety allows me to see multiple upcoming departures, and generally one of them is useful to me.

It would be nice if this app was more customizable on the user end, but it’s been great to have and I commend @marcusb for making it- I cannot code and appreciate those who do. An update someday in the future would be amazing, thank you!