LA Metro tracking

@tal42levy never mind I found it! Patiently waiting :slight_smile:

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Also! I am wondering how easy it would be to develop tracking apps for Big Blue Bus and Culver City Bus? I’m not sure if those systems use API, but I know they’re also prominent transit agencies in the LA area! /would it be as simple as using the same code with a different API, or would it involve basically starting from scratch again?

BTW - according to a brief internet search, both Big Blue Bus and Culver City Bus offer GTFS realtime information, if that’s useful

@tal42levy Hey, so I got my Swiftly API key, but nothing is working when I do it. Can you send a screenshot of yours?

@tal42levy Update: talked to Swiftly and got it working! Only thing is, that it doesn’t have all the stations on it. I tried typing in Chinatown and Union Station but it wouldn’t come up. A few others did but not all

@jjackson621 How long did it take to receive your API key? I submitted request yesterday and still waiting to receive an email. Also, how were you able to resolve the issue with Swiftly? Thanks in advance!

@D-Weezy Took me about 2 days. I got it working, there are still some LA Metro Rail stations that do not show up. I went through a lot of them and good number of them work, but there are some that still don’t come up, specifically the one by my house which is the Chinatown one. I think this might be an issue with the app and not the API code from Swiftly, unless @tal42levy has had a different experience

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@jjackson621 I’ll take a look. The way location is set up is that it’s a generic tidbyt location, rather than a list of stops, so you should be able to enter your specific home address and get the arrivals near you.

@D-Weezy Swiftly doesn’t give out access to predictions-near-location by default, so once you get a key you may need to reply to them and ask for them to enable that endpoint on your key (that’s what I needed to do, and what I would guess jjackson needed)

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@tal42levy thanks for insight. I’ve put in my address and it says “invalid key”, and some other addresses came up with a cloud with “/” through it. Definitely check it out and let me know what you find. Other than that it works great! And you’re correct on the predictions-near-location request afterwards. That activates it

I’ve just pushed a set of tweaks including a “show stops”. I’m able to replicate the behavior you’re seeing on my tidbyt but not when I try to debug on my computer. Hoping that these fixes will make it easier to debug.

@tal42levy Thanks! I’ll let you know if anything changes on my end. And keep us posted on any debugs

I got the API key today by Swiftly. Once inputted, I had no issues at all and was able to get information for my local station (Highland Park Station) and bus stop. @tal42levy I mirrored my submission based off of your screenshot so I didn’t need to follow up with Swiftly in regards to enabling endpoint.

Thanks again to @MontyP and @tal42levy for pushing this app through and helping us with the set up. One of the reason I got my Tidbyt was to be able to see arrival time for the metro!


Big thank you for building this app! I wish Metro made it easier! Just requested my key from Swiftly.

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