Introducing: Private App Hosting

Hi everyone!

It’s been a while since we posted anything here. We’ve been heads down getting everything ready for the Gen 2.

However, a while back, we quietly rolled out a new feature that we never properly announced: Private app hosting. With this feature, you can quickly spin up new apps that we host exclusively for you. No need to keep running those cron jobs on your Raspberry Pi, and no need to share that one app that is specific to you or your family with the world.

There are also some additional benefits. For instance, you can utilize caching with the HTTP module or the caching module itself. Plus, you have access to features like the show_full_animation flag, which doesn’t function when apps are rendered locally.

Perhaps the most exciting part, no need for manual code reviews from the Tidbyt team, which means your apps can be up and running quickly with just a few pixlet commands.

Once a private app has been uploaded, it will be visible in the Tidbyt App Store on your phone under “Your Private Apps.”

Private app hosting is part of our new Tidbyt Plus subscription. To get started, navigate to the developer tab under settings in the mobile app and click ‘Deploy a private app’.

Documentation on how to deploy private apps can be found on

Once we’ve wrapped up our work with Tidbyt Gen 2, we hope to share more details on what’s next!


I see that private app hosting if $5/month. Is this per app or are we allowed to host a few apps for that price ?

It is not per app, you can deploy as many as many apps as you want!

This is one of the best features to come out for the tidbyt. My main use case has been to be able to deploy and test apps before submitting PRs. Incredibly useful!

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Where can I sign up for Tidbyt plus? I’m trying to host a private app which mentioned Teams and Tidbyt Plus, and the web searches only led me here…

@john3909 Sorry, it’s not super visible right now. You can find it in the Tidbyt mobile app, click the settings cog and go to the Developer tab. You should see a button that says ‘Deploy a private app’

Thank you. I got in and added the subscription. I’ve deployed my first private app showing my pool temperature. Thanks !

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Can a single account publish apps to more than one device or would I need a subscription for each device?