International tide app

Would like to see an international tide app. The NOAA fed app is great if you are in the USA, but not much use elsewhere. Even a lunar tide prediction app would be great:) Wish my technical skills were good enough that I could do it myself.

The problem is finding a free and open API from which to pull international tide information. I have looked and haven’t found one.

What about a tide predictor app? Lots of those available for download that work all over the world. Would it be possible to make something like that work on the tidbyt?

That’s a good point since prediction tables are available and static. Hmmmmmm.

So the issue is that all the apps are ad supported and access to that data is not free. There are a few pretty cheap world tide apis available but I haven’t found a free one for personal use that a user could use. Then we run into problems with the tidbyt servers getting blocked because they are doing too many requests on behalf of all the users. It’s a real pain.

I have found which offeres a limited access apikey for personal use. So a user can sign up for their own api key, enter it into the app and then be able to use it. I just signed up and it’s pretty painless.

I’ll see how easy it is to adapt Noaa tides over to stormglass api.

The World Tides app is live. Sign up for your API key at Storm Glass - Global marine weather data from multiple sources in one single API

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