Im learning about API’s and wanted to start with a simple project of just displaying transit information from the bus stop near me onto my tidbyt. I can’t seem to get it to work though, and was wondering if anyone here would know what im doing wrong?
My States Local Transit site default outputs the information in XML , but if you add the tag ?format=json at the end it outputs the webpage in .json format.
I was thinking i could just plug that in like some of the examples of people have posted with API calls, but that doesnt seem to want to work…
Thanks in advance for any help Im having lots of fun learning!
If you’re able to make an Tidbyt app with all that info in it please share to the code so others can learn too! That’s what this community is all about!
I really just want to know how to get info from the Metro Transit site to display on my tidbyt!
Thanks @jeremy Ill poke around your steam app when i got some free time tomorrow!
I understand the basic premise of what i need to do is:
Make a call to the API with the URL
Website responds with my request in the form of either XML or JSON
Pass that through Starlark in the form of a list or dictionary
Use the headers to specify which of the actual fields i want to display on my Tidbyt.
As always easier said then done so I was just starting with display a really basic request from the API which only displays the directions a bus is going. IF i get that figured out i can branch into the more detailed calls!