Hello world fails (image.DecodeConfig)

I am using linux and vim, and following the Hello World Tutorial for a first app try.
I followed all the commands, I can render localy to without problems but when I push to my Tidbyt i get the following error:

Tidbyt API returned status 500 Internal Server Error
{“code”:2,“message”:“image.DecodeConfig: image: unknown format”,“details”:}
Error: Tidbyt API returned status: 500 Internal Server Error

Any help? Thanks

What is the push command your are doing? You first need to do a render locally, then push the webp that the rendered.

I am first doing pixlet serve hello_world.star
Then i can see it works by going to http://localhost:8080

Then i am rendering with pixlet render hello_world.star
then i login
and at last i push with:

xxx@xxxx:~$ pixlet push xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx hello_world.star
Tidbyt API returned status 500 Internal Server Error
{“code”:2,“message”:“image.DecodeConfig: image: unknown format”,“details”:}
Error: Tidbyt API returned status: 500 Internal Server Error

the render command will output a .webp file. You need to push the webp not the star file

Thanks. My bad for not noticing it should be the webp file instead of the star.