Having trouble with Marquee

Hello – I’m trying to build an app that cycles through multiple upcoming calendar events. I have things mostly working except for when the event has a long title. I am trying to use Marquee to vertically scroll the title, and while this works too, any time I get to a scrolling title then the app stops progressing through the list of events and just stays on the scrolling event title until what I believe to be the app cycle timing resets it (I am only testing locally on my computer so far). If i set Root allow_full_animation to True then once I get to a Marquee scroll it never moves forward to another event at all, I guess cause it’s stuck thinking it’s still trying to complete an animation.

Here’s the related code, appreciate any guidance!

def build_events_frame(now, users_tz, events_chunk):
    # Get date information
    month = get_month_name(now, users_tz)
    weekday = get_weekday_name(now, users_tz)
    day = get_day_of_month(now, users_tz)

    # Top section
    top_section = render.Box(
        width = 64,
        height = 8,
        child= render.Row(
            main_align = "start",
            cross_align = "center",
            expanded = True,
            children = [
                render.Image(src=CALENDAR_ICON, width = 7, height = 8),
                    font = main_font,
                    content = weekday.upper(),
                    color = color_font,
                    offset = -1,
                render.Box(width = 1),
                    font = main_font,
                    content = month.upper(),
                    color = color_font,
                    offset = -1,
                render.Box(width = 1),
                    font = main_font,
                    content = day,
                    color = color_font,
                    offset = -1,

    # Middle section
    # Event details
    event = events_chunk[0]
    event_start = event["start"]
    event_name = event["name"]
    minutes_until_start = event["detail"]["minutesUntilStart"]

    # Determine color and time display
    if minutes_until_start <= 5:
        if minutes_until_start > 1:
            color = "#ff5000"
            time_display = "in {} min".format(minutes_until_start)
        elif minutes_until_start == 1:
            color = "#ff5000"
            time_display = "in 1 min"
            color = "#9000ff"
            time_display = "now"
        color = "#ff78e9"
        time_display = get_time_display(event_start, users_tz)

    # Event name widgets
    event_name_wrapped = render.WrappedText(
        content = event_name.upper(),
        color = "#ffffff",
        font = main_font,
        width = 64,
        linespacing = 0,
        align = "left",  

    event_name_widget = render.Marquee(
        child = event_name_wrapped,
        width = 64,
        height = 16,
        align = "end",
        scroll_direction = "vertical",

    # Middle section with event name
    middle_section = render.Box(
        width = 64,
        height = 16,  # Fixed height
        child = render.Column(
            main_align = "end",
            cross_align = "start",
            expanded = True, 
            children = [

    # Bottom section with event time
    bottom_section = render.Box(
        width = 64,
        height = 8,  # Fixed height
        child= render.Row(
            main_align = "start",
            cross_align = "center",
            expanded = True,
            children = [
                    content = time_display,
                    color = color_font,
                    font = small_font,
                    offset = 0,


    # Combine the sections
    content = render.Column(
        main_align = "start",
        cross_align = "start",
        children = [

    # Return the frame content
    return content

def main():
    # Configuration settings
    timezone = DEFAULT_TIMEZONE
    ics_urls = DEFAULT_ICS_URLS
    max_events = DEFAULT_MAX_EVENTS

    users_tz = timezone
    now = time.now().in_location(users_tz).unix
    all_events = []

    for url in ics_urls:
        ics_response = http.get(url)
        if ics_response.status_code != 200:

        ics_content = ics_response.body()
        events = parse_ics(ics_content, users_tz)

    if len(all_events) == 0:
        print("no events found")
        return [build_calendar_frame(now, users_tz)]

    # Sort events by start time
    all_events_sorted = sorted(all_events, key=get_event_start)

    upcoming_events = all_events_sorted[:max_events]

    # Define frame timing
    frame_delay = 100
    event_display_duration = 3750
    frames_per_event = event_display_duration // frame_delay

    frames = []
    for event in upcoming_events:
        # Generate multiple frames for each event
        for _ in range(frames_per_event):
            frame_content = build_events_frame(now, users_tz, [event])
            frame = render.Root(
                delay = frame_delay,
                child = frame_content,

    return frames