Having difficulty creating multiple animation.Transformations

Hi there,
I’m playing with pixlet and starlark. I had an idea to procedurally generate a chequerboard style animation of alternately shrinking/growing circles, to get the hang of the scene graph. I keep running up against the same issue no matter how I express the set up - I am only able to see the first animation.Transformation widget I create. Subsequent declarations are ignored. If i replace the animation.Transformation object with a simple render.Circle call, I am able to fill the screen with circles without issue. Is anyone able to help?

For reference, this is my program so far :

load("render.star", "render")
load("time.star", "time")
load("animation.star", "animation")

def main(config):
    return render.Root(
        child = render.Column(
            main_align = "start",
            expanded = True,
            children = [
                expanded=True, # Use as much horizontal space as possible
                main_align="space_betweem", # Controls horizontal alignment
                cross_align="left", # Controls vertical alignment
                children = [
                    render_orb(5.0, 1.0),
                    render_orb(5.0, 1.0),

def render_orb(start_size, end_size):
    return animation.Transformation(
          child = render.Box(render.Circle(diameter = 1, color = "#0f0")),
          duration = 40,
          delay = 0,
          direction = "alternate",
          fill_mode = "forwards",
          keyframes = [
              percentage = 0.0,
              transforms = [animation.Scale(start_size, start_size)],
              curve = "ease_in_out",
              percentage = 1.0,
              transforms = [animation.Scale(end_size, end_size)],

After posting i solved my own problem - I needed to put the animation inside a box :slight_smile: