The Duolingo app has the time zone set for Greenwich Mean Time, which means any activity after 7 p.m. local doesn’t show up. Can a time zone be set in the app so it updates correctly? I’m in Eastern time
I think I have a fix for this in PR #2766 [duolingo] Use device $tz and convert epoch to UTC by dtseiler · Pull Request #2766 · tidbyt/community · GitHub
I found that we can use the special var $tz to read the device’s timezone. There was another issue in the translation of the epoch time in the XP summaries that caused it to convert that to the local timezone as well when it needs to stay in UTC as Duolingo was setting it to midnight of that day in UTC. This was causing the applet to think that no data was there for today because the timeshift made it think the most recent record was for yesterday evening.