Doge coin price app

Apologies if already requested but can we get a price widget for the Doge coin?


This is currently available inside the crypto currency app. You can choose Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and Ethereum


We’ve recenly added Binance, Tezos, Tether, Bitcoin Cash, Polkadot, Cardano, and XRP. Happy to add more.

The main limitation we have on adding additional currencies is that we’re drawing pixel art logos for each one. We’re just going down the list of cryptocurrencies by popularity and adding support for them.

We’re also looking into adding a cryptocurrency view that’s closer to the view you get with the stocks app, with a intraday chart. That would probably let you select any currency that we have access to, with just the symbol being displayed.


Hi! I got my Tidbyt recently. I love it, but I wanted to see if you have any update on that simplistic Crypto tracker? I would love to follow my ALGO and SOL. :slight_smile:

Overall this thing is amazing!