Developer Tooling Updates

We’ve made it easier to create and publish apps by putting all of the tools you need inside of pixlet v0.24.x and greater. Want to create a new app? Run pixlet create. Ready to submit your app for review? Use pixlet check to make sure your app is ready to go.

One Tool

Before these changes, a developer needed make, go, buildifier, and pixlet installed to be able to create and modify apps. Now, all of the tools necessary to build apps for Tidbyt are built into pixlet :muscle:

Check out some of the newly added pixlet commands:

  • check: Checks if an app is ready to publish
  • create: Creates a new app
  • format : Formats app source code
  • lint: Lints app source code

Easier Troubleshooting

Before these updates, it was difficult to know what went wrong when submitting an app for review in the community repo. We’ve made the process easier to debug in two ways:

  • pixlet is now the build tool for the community repo
    • This means if an app submission fails, developers can reproduce the error locally :pray:
  • We’re only building apps that changed
    • Instead of checking all apps, we now only check apps that are modified or added :heart_eyes:

On top of that, we’ve worked really hard to make sure that every problem has a solution :wrench: :

What’s Next

Now that’s it’s easier to create and submit an app, we’re focused on improving the publishing process by making it faster, more transparent, and providing more control to the app developer.


This is such a game-changer! Thanks for the awesome work and explanation of these updates. The future is bright :slight_smile:

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