I wrote most of my app in Python to get it working right with the API calls and now I need to Starlarkify my time operations. Here’s what I need to do:
get the current Unix epoch time - this seems to be time.now().
take that time and subtract 24 hours (as in yesterday). I do see a parse_duration here (time package - go.starlark.net/lib/time - Go Packages) but not sure what do to with it after.
Take some other timestamps and display them in a coherent format, perhaps from_timestamp() and then parse_time()?
Python here:
endDate = int(time.time()) * 1000 # now
startDate = endDate - DAYS_TO_GET*MS_IN_A_DAY # N days ago
When working with the time module, it’s usually a good idea to take the device’s timezone into consideration.
# You can get the timezone by doing:
tz = config.get("$tz", "America/New_York")
# Locally $tz is None, so America/New_York will be returned instead.
# On the device, $tz will have the device's location timezone.
After that, you can do some time manipulations like this:
# Current time in user's timezone
now = time.now().in_location(tz)
# now as a UNIX timestamp
# subtract 24h from now
yesterday = now - time.parse_duration("24h")
Formatting took me some time to understand, but the key is using the components of the date Monday, January 2, 2006, 15:04:05 GMT-7 as a reference for the format() function.
# print now formatted as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (hours in 24h format)
print(now.format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
# formatting the hour as 12h
print(now.format("2006-01-02 03:04:05"))
# add the short week day, AM/PM indicator and and timezone offset
print(now.format("Mon 2006-01-02 03:04:05PM -07"))