Count up timer / cost calculator

Curious if theres a way to make a count up timer (i know theres one already, but wait)
or better yet rate calculator

something that would count up in minutes/hours (no days) and use that time quantity to calculate a cost based on an editable rate.

So i am a tattooer and i do large pieces during long sessions and charge based on time. I have my tidbyt on my counter for my customer to see what music is playing, the time, weather, etc. and it would be nice for them to see how much their session is costing, better yet how much it should have cost before i give them the discounted price at the end. i know there are other professions that can use a form of this as well.

there are a handful of other aspects/features that could be added onto this to make it more functional for this use and others too. but by the feel of most apps on this platform, i feel like straightfoward functionality is the best approach for now.

The count up clock seems to have an hours and minutes setting. I would maybe start with that app as a baseline for what you are looking for. You would simply need to configure a rate value and do the math and display it.

edit: I can see if I can whip something up for you really quickly though .

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With some really made up numbers obviously.


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submitted a PR for an app for this

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that is awesome! thanks so much! The old count up had a minutes and hours but the “days” took up 50% of the display, im more invested in the hours and minutes haha.

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Understood. I think I’d have liked to see this while getting tattooed I just kept looking at my watch or the clock if necessary lol.

Let me know if there are any issues!

thanks! i think people will appreciate the transparency in it, plus my long time clients will get an idea of how much theyre getting hooked up already.

yeah, that’s always nice to see, especially for multi-session pieces.

I love this app. The count up clock I built for things like “x since our last outage”, “Y since our last accident”, etc - so days were appropriate.

Gonna use this in our office - so I can show folks how much $$$ this meeting is costing us :slight_smile:

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Glad you can find it useful that would be a good stat to have, when we know it all could of been in an email lol. I started with your country, but then I just gutted it started from scratch because I didn’t need all the cool bells and whistles your app has!

it works great! thanks a bunch! now if only tidbyt had a button on it that i could program to reset the clock without opening the app and resetting the time and date everytime.

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