Hello, I am trying to create a schema or figure out a solution for my application to change the size of the displayed text so it isnt cut off. for more info, I am calling an API and parsing the JSON response into a marquee and vertically scrolling the text string but sometimes, on shorter length strings, the last word or two is cut off and it doesnt scroll vertically to show those last few words. my thought to resolve this is to change the size of the text to be a little smaller but I am struggling to figure out how to do that using google and was hoping someone could lend me a hand or provide me some examples of how to change the text size. If you have any thoughts about how i could ensure the entire string of text is displayed and not cut off another way, I would gladly take that as a solution to this problem as well.
This is an appropriate call for a solution regarding resizing texts, especially for some news-related apps.
I dont understand the meaning of your reply. are you simply confirming my question is a valid one?
That’s exactly what I am saying. I am a Tidbyt user who has seen news apps show or display words that were cut off when toggling a setting where text is scrolled down during app instances.
got any thoughts about how to possibly change the offset height to perhaps a shorter length so it scrolls even when its a shorter length string of text? I am thinking that could be a possibly alternate solution as well. Thanks for the quick replies and any insight you may have is much appreciated.
Well, I am not a coder per se, but I come here in the forums just to share and contribute to other developers as a way to get the word out on improvement.
With that said, I would call to invite other devs to jump in, who would have equal curiosity regarding this.
Thanks for the comments for visibility Gabe!
looks like i found an example on the dev site about displaying smaller text… working on trying to integrate it now. I am an extremely green developer so any help integrating this code into mine would be helpful. here is the link to the page where the example is located Schema Quick Start under the quick start section is an example of adding a schema switch to make the text smaller. still open to any and all input.
UPDATE: I was able to incorporate the toggle but am unable to get it connected to the text i am displaying in the marquee. any help is greatly appreciated.
I wonder if adding a line break or extra spaces to the end of the string will force the scroll to go farther. Kind of a hack but I’ve used it.
But you can work out how big the text should be by getting the length of a string. Depending on how many characters you have you can determine the size of the font or how many extra spaces to add to force a proper scroll.
Hop on the discord for more realtime help.
That’s a good idea, adding a line break onto the end of the string to force an additional scroll may work. My app displays a randomly chosen quote from a library of quotes so it may be difficult to determine the length of the string because of that I would think. I do run into situations where the quote is so long that it cant scroll through the entire quote in three scrolls and you miss the end for that reason as well so i don’t know if adding a line break would do anything to help with that situation. I really think slightly smaller text is the ideal answer but I’m willing to tinker around with it, given some help from the discord. I’ll check that out first thing tomorrow. Thanks Tavis!
Here is the discord invite Tidbyt
You can find the length of a string variable by calling len(STRING_VAR)