Can't connect to Tidbyt's Servers

About 4 days ago my Tidbyt constantly was spinning, trying to connect. It never reconnected, so I performed a reset, uninstalled the app, tried adding a “new” Tidbyt, etc. Nothing seems to work.

The app continues to throw the error “Couldn’t connect to Tidbyt’s servers”. Nothing changed on my internal network and I’m getting frustrated. I entered a support ticket on Tuesday, but still no response 3 days later. Anyone have any suggestions? Much appreciated!

Just here to add a Me Too. Exact same thing is happening to me right now as well.

I’ll give you a small update - I finally got it to work. I deleted my account on the Tidbyt app, created a new one and it still didn’t work. I ended up using a completely different iphone and it immediately connected. Then, back on my original phone I was able to re-add the apps within Tidbyt…

I have no idea why my phone wouldn’t work when adding, but it’s been fine since.

I hope this helps.