Can I pay you for custom TidByt app development?

I backed TidByt and had a sense it might need some help getting to be useful for my needs, so I allocated some budget for custom app development when I bought it.

For a simple app utilizing standard available APIs on the internet, how much would I need to pay a developer to make me an app?

For example: the ski forecast app is great, except it’s Epic only. I want an app that looks/works similarly for the one mountain I do ski at, and whose data is available via API. Will you develop this app for me? How much would it cost?

I’d also like to have developed for me a simple ocean buoy reporting app that shows dominant wave direction, amplitude, and period using the (i think) publicly accessible data: NDBC - How can Realtime data be retrieved from the NDBC web site?

You haven’t seen the NOAA Buoy app have you ? It does exactly what you want (swell display). I’m also the author of that app so modifications could be made if you wanted it customized. As far as the ski app goes I might be interested adapting the Epic only one to work with your mountain. Send me a private mesage to talk more. But somewhere between $200 and $300 for a simple app would probably be enough if the work is interesting.

okay, i hadn’t seen the NOAA buoy app : ) i find the TidByt “app store” to be cute, though not highly functional/efficient. to be fair, i should have used the search feature! nice job with the app. i’m not totally clear on the distinction between “local buoy” (which doesn’t have the exact buoy i want) and “buoy ID” (which seems to be the standard NOAA NDBC buoy number that i do have), but anyway it looks good.

truth is: I’m a surfer and want a surf-focused TidByt app. there seem to be two Surfline apps in the TidByt ‘store’, but neither of them work for me. as far as i’m aware, Surfline doesn’t have an easily available API so i’m not surprised these might not work. i guess the custom version of your app would be: buoy size, period, direction, temp (from NOAA NDBC) + our local break’s wind speed, direction, temp (from any weather source) all on one screen. no need for surfline fancy algorithms, which aren’t generally accurate here anyway. i think other surfers/sailors/etc would appreciate an app like this that you plug in a zip code and it gives closest buoy + weather stations, or for more advanced users you can pick your buoy and pick your weather station. i’d probably want the Pt Reyes Buoy 029 (Station 46214) and a weather station in Pacifica, CA (does weather underground have an API to tap into any single weather station’s wind+weather data?)

for ski app: does the existing one have public source code for easy adaptation? anyway, something similar would be great, but for Sugar Bowl in California. i’d probably most want to see: recent snowfall, forecasted snowfall, and trail count, lift count, temp, wind, and sunny/cloudy.

@rohan have you guys considered making the TidByt “store” a proper app store with in-app purchases? make TidByt a platform company. it’d be a good way to economically incentivize developers to develop quality apps and TidByt could take a cut of the revenue.


The ski forecast app is available in the tidbyt community repo on github.

Regarding custom buoy app, all that information you mentioned will not fit on a single screen. So might as well just use two different apps.

It doesn’t have the resort (Sugar Bowl) that he wants. :wink: