Apple Music Now Playing

Sadly all the other items on this closed automatically and it’s been a while since any updates. Keen to understand if the Tidbyt team are considering this?

If there were technical problems in the past, seems to have solved them.

Thanks all!

The Tidbyt founders have joined another company, you can read the announcement from November 2024 here: Tidbyt is joining Modal

Dont’t get your hopes up. They are not manufacturing new units and new apps have not been approved in the last months. Very unlikely that something like this will happen.

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Tuneshine creator here- I’m not super familiar with the Tidbyt platform but one potential issue is that Apple Music doesn’t let you directly query the currently playing track- you have to look at a user’s playback history and make a note of when it changes. So you have to be storing and updating state related to the user’s Apple Music account in a way that isn’t needed for Spotify. It’s possible that there are limitations in the Tidbyt app platform that would prevent this. But if anyone else is hacking on the issue and thinks it’s possible then you could follow this model to make it work!