I’m not a coder but I would love to see a Netatmo weather app for the Tidbyt. They have an API here: https://dev.netatmo.com/
Hey @saltedlolly, welcome to the Tidbyt community! @matslinawas looking at Netatmo and here’s what he said over on Kickstarter:
I took a quick look at the Netatmo API and it definitely looks like something useful can be built there. If there’s sufficient interest we’ll take a stab at it ourselves, and otherwise I bet someone else will hack it together using our API and SDK.
If you do Netamo, you need to do Tempest / Weatherflow also!
Tempest is already done actually! https://community.weatherflow.com/t/tempest-on-led-matrix-display/12970?u=rohan
Hi Rohan
I really like this weather app you have designed in your other thread linked above.
Any chance that weather app can be available on the tidbyt for everyone?
Thank you
I hadn’t considered that it could be a useful app without a personal weather station, but I guess it can totally work with any data source. Let me see what I can do!
Very cool! To be honest, I didn’t realize the readings were from a device since that is the first time encountering it.
If you could source local conditions and expose the same data, would be neat to have as an alternative weather app.
Thanks Rohan
I’d also love Netatmo integration. I have the weather station with the additional rain gauge and it would be great to see that data.
This is definitively something that I would like to see to allow me to display the inside/outside temperature
Hi there, any news on this… I’m really missing this on my side to replace my old weather station… Netatmo is maybe more developped in Europe but I see on their map that they re also ramping up in the US
I’m likely to pick this one up: I own a few Netatmo devices so I definitely want to do it. It will be a month or so before I get onto looking at it: I have a house move to endure first!
Awesome! Let me know if I can be of any help…
An amazing member of the community (@dmc) has contributed a Netatmo app. It should now be available on everyone’s Tidbyt.
I haven’t been able to try it out myself since I don’t have a device, but it looks pretty nice.
Please do! I whipped up something fairly basic to just get it out there, any feedback is appreciated. Once I get my anemometer and rain gauge up, I want to add those.
I don’t have a second indoor sensor either, so that’s also why it’s pretty basic currently. It will display the outdoor temp and humidity if it finds an outdoor module connected
@dmc Thanks for creating the Netatmo app. One question, is why the degrees symbol have a line under them? Is that a convention used in other parts of the world?
One suggestion - it might be good to have an option to hide the indoor readings, or display them on a different page. Currently, the display is quite busy with all the information it is showing. FWIW I have a rain meter but no wind meter. I’m looking forward to seeing some rain data displayed.
That’s how the degree symbol is represented in the font
I wonder why. Strange.
Hi there,
First of all, thank you, it’s working on my side with the 2 modules I have (one internal and one external)
I was originally thinking of something more simple with maybe options that can be turned on/off for the one who want more advanced details.
I’m actually looking at replacing this old weather station with the Tidbyt.
I like the idea of having on one screen the current time, current day weather forecast and in/out temperature. It will allow to have bigger characters an make it more readable (by the way the I think the green & blue is very hard to read)
Air quality in and out/humidity/rain/noise should be IMO on a more detailed/advanced or even secondary screen.
What do you think?
Happy to help although I’m not coding,