Apex Legends Tracker using API

Hey All -

I am new to Tidbyt and just ordered one that is coming soon, but I wanted to learn how to code right away to develop my own applets. So starting off I created an Apex Legends Tracker as my first project and I have it fully functioning and wanted to share it with everyone. I will also try and do my best to document everything I did regarding the Apex API.

First thing is to go here and create your own API Key. This will auto-generate your API key, but this next step is very important otherwise this will not work. You need to verify your Discord Account in order to make 2 Requests in 1 Second. After you verify your Discord, you should just be able to plug everything in and it should work.

Here is the link to my Github to find this.

Open to comments to make this code more efficient. I also haven’t added a cache portion to my code yet.

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Be sure to send this to the community repo when your done.

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Will do. I am trying to find documentation on caching via pixlet so every time the marquee comes back around it refreshes all the stats/time remaining. Hopefully, if I can get this implemented I can then push to the community Repo!