Anyone wants to buy two original TidyByts?

Selling two physically and electronically perfect 1.5 year old Original Tidbit (wood grain case) models with power supplies. $200 for both including priority mail shipping (US Only please)

You edited your post after the fact. Nevermind.

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Check if your Tempest is working again. Its been a full day since your post. I didn’t notice anything off yesterday but really wasn’t looking at the Tempest app/Tidbyt much. All seems fine for me this morning.

If things are still off, is your Tempest app on your iPhone/Android working ok and displaying up to date info?
If not, that would need troubleshooting first. if it is ok on your phone, what are you seeing in the Tidbyt?

The app just shows an clock/hourglass where the weather preview would be. It’s what was happening yesterday. The app and station are showing data fine on the web and mobile app.