American Football

What time is it? It’s game time with the newest applet addition: American Football. The Football applet shows live scores on game day and division standings throughout the week. Have a favorite NFL team you’ll be tracking through your Tidbyt? Let us know in the comments below :football:


Will it rotate through all the score?


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Would love to see this rotate through scores and not just for tracking one team. Also would love to see it for college football as well.


Agreed would be good to get ticker style scoring for all NFL games plus College Football also

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Hey folks!

Some updates here.

Game Day Only

I’ve added a toggle for game day only to only display the applet when a game is scheduled that day:

College Sports

For college sports, it’s certainly on the roadmap but I’m not sure how fast we can make it happen. Check out this comment for a bit more background: Mlb/ sports - #15 by mark


For ticker style scores - that’s a great idea! Some folks are asking for a similar model for stocks. It breaks a lot of the assumptions we’ve made so far though, so the change would take a bit more work to support properly. We’ve really focused on having an “installation” that tracks something you care about and have the ability to cycle through installations to view additional things you care about. To support tickers, we’d need to a way to ensure:

  • The ticker could stay on the screen long enough to view the entire ticker
  • We’d have to refresh it cleanly so there wasn’t a jarring interrupt when new content was available
  • Be able to configure a ticker in an elegant way. A list of stocks or a list of sports teams for example without a really painful process to get it setup on a phone
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May I suggest one slight change to this apps operation?

When it’s doing the “ticker” of current league standings, #1 scrolls off screen almost immediately when the app starts. Could there either be a slight delay added before it starts scrolling OR start scrolling from the far right instead of fully left justified.

Either would allow an extra second or two to see the #1 team.

Really great app, as is the whole product itself. There’s a flaw in the Football app which I think could be easily fixed.

It says the down and what yard the line of scrimmage is at, but it doesn’t say which side. So 1st and 10 and 20 YD can mean the team is starting their drive at the 20 or it can mean they’re entering the red zone. Can this be changed so instead of 20 YD it said the initials of the team whose side of the field they’re on or is there a limitation with where the data is coming from? It would be like 1st and 10 and then underneath 20 CHI.


This app would be perfect if we could select ALL NFL teams, instead of just our local team.

I love the game day only option.

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