Aircraft/Flight Number Ident

There are so many useful types of displays that could be done. Depends on what you’re looking to do. Currently, we do not have arrival/departure airports (just current lat/lon coordinates), but it’s looking like we will add arrival/departure airports shortly. My other interest is in aircraft flying around not on flight plans (medical helicopters, police helicopters, small GA planes, etc.) Pretty close to having something basic working here.

I am a bit puzzled on why Starlark was chosen as the development language here. There is not a lot of “googleable” material out there on Starlark and it doesn’t seem that well suited for this niche…


An even better idea would be arrival, departure info for your nearest airport with a digitized logo for the airline. I’d love to select “DCA” and see ify flight from DC to Dallas was delayed or cancelled.

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So… is everyone interested mainly in just commercial flights, or is there also interest in smaller aircraft?

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So basically an airport arrival / departures board for your nearest / chosen airport? I could have a crack at that, I don’t think it would be too difficult.


Here’s what I have so far… Gotta incorporate origin/dest.


I’m working on something like this! It’s working and just needs to be fine-tuned, I’ll post a GitHub repo and full details tomorrow I think. It shows the next departure at the airport of your choice, shows a route map, the aircraft model, gate, time, airline etc.


Would love to see a flight tracker where you input the flight number and the display shows you an ETA , maybe a map like the above post.


Hi Everyone- Coming up for air after snowfall at our airport.

My initial attempt to get Linux/Ubuntu /pixlet working failed. I’ll need to try that again.

@DanS and @Josh_Neronha, your iterations look great!

Definitely the option for all aircraft closest to a location. My hope is to have mine running in my airport operations office and show the next arrival or departure.


What would you be looking for? Arrivals/departures based on IFR flight plans?

Or looking at signals from ADS-B transponders in the area?

What API are you using for data?

As a current ATC, I’m geeking out over this!!!

THIS is perfect! I need this on my Tidbyt like yesterday.

It would be great to specify a location and then see the closest flight based on ADS-B transponder data. I live near a flight path and would love to be able to look up at the plane flying over and look at my Tidbyt to see the info about that flight.

@Josh_Neronha Hey man did you ever finish this? I have a buddy whose a piolet who would love to have it!

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I have this running on my own Tidbyt, but need to figure out best way to publish it…


I’d there an issue with just submitting it to the community repo?

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Even if you just copy/paste the code here, would be greatly appreciated!

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I just received my Tidbyt and am loving it. I’m a programmer (day job) and a pilot (hobby). I’ve been tinkering with a METAR app and have this so far. Still needs some polish before I submit to the community.


Can’t wait to see this get submitted