2 tidbyts - ios App only sees one

So I have a Gen 1 - just got the Gen 2 and added it to the app - connects fine and works BUT how do I get back to also controlling the Gen 1?

The app only connects directly yo the Gen 2 - no apparent way to control the Gen 1 anymore?
I even unplugged the Gen 2 - cant get the app to see the Gen 1 anymore.

Am I missing something?

BTW the Gen 2 screen is terrible - BLURRY

The menu button in the top left should bring you back to the main screen with a list of your devices.

I noticed the screen was blurry too. I figured that was part of the aesthetic… if it’s a mistake then perhaps they’ll address it down the line?

There is no menu button - its weird. Only the name of the tidbyt at the top and on bottom the “+” symbol and APPS ALARMS icons…

SO, I figured it out - if your device name is longer than the screen width, the name goes to the second line and the menu button is blocked.