I created a custom local application the reports the temp and humidity of sensors around my house. Anytime temp or humidity changes I push a new image to the Tydbyte. The problem is I can only fit r lines of information and wondered if there was a way to pause like 5 seconds and then display a second page of info without having to create and push a second image to the Tydbyte?
Here’s the image and code Im using…
load(“http.star”, “http”)
load(“time.star”, “time”)
load(“render.star”, “render”)
Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor - Driveway (Outside)
OutsideURL = “”
Ecobee Remote Sensor (Master Bedroom)
UpstairsURL = “”
Ecobee Thermostat (Main Floor)
MainURL = “”
SO Temp & Humidity Sensor #1 (Guest Room)
BasementURL = “”
Outside Weather Humidity Reported by Ecobee Thermostate
EBSuiteOutHumURL = “”
Helper Function
Iterate through attribues array for a name value equal to a specified string
def get_attribute_value(attributes, attribute_name):
# For all objects in array
for attribute in attributes:
# Check if name value matches one specified
if attribute[“name”] == attribute_name:
# If found, return the value inside of “currentValue” object
return attribute[“currentValue”]
# If not found, return null
return None
Main Function
Script for using api calls to gather sensor data for display
def main():
# *********************************************************************************** #
repout = http.get(OutsideURL)
attributes = repout.json()["attributes"]
# Specify the attribute name to search for
attribute_name = "temperature"
# Get the value of the specified attribute
value = int(get_attribute_value(attributes, attribute_name))
# Check if the value was found
if value != None:
outside_temp = str(value)
outside_temp = "N/A" # or handle the case when the attribute is not found
# *********************************************************************************** #
# Upstairs URL #
repup = http.get(UpstairsURL)
attributes = repup.json()["attributes"]
# Specify the attribute name to search for
attribute_name = "temperature"
# Get the value of the specified attribute
value = int(get_attribute_value(attributes, attribute_name))
# Check if the value was found
if value != None:
upstairs_temp = str(value)
upstairs_temp = "N/A" # or handle the case when the attribute is not found
# *********************************************************************************** #
# Main URL #
repmain = http.get(MainURL)
attributes = repmain.json()["attributes"]
# Specify the attribute name to search for
attribute1_name = "temperature"
attribute2_name = "humidity"
# Get the value of the specified attribute
value1 = int(get_attribute_value(attributes, attribute1_name))
value2 = int(get_attribute_value(attributes, attribute2_name))
# Check if the value1 was found
if value1 != None:
main_temp = str(value1)
main_temp = "N/A" # or handle the case when the attribute is not found
# Check if the value2 was found
if value2 != None:
main_hum = str(value2)
main_hum = "N/A" # or handle the case when the attribute is not found
# *********************************************************************************** #
# Basement URL #
repbase = http.get(BasementURL)
attributes = repbase.json()["attributes"]
# Specify the attribute name to search for
attribute1_name = "temperature"
attribute2_name = "humidity"
# Get the value of the specified attribute
value1 = int(get_attribute_value(attributes, attribute1_name))
value2 = int(get_attribute_value(attributes, attribute2_name))
# Check if the value1 was found
if value1 != None:
basement_temp = str(value1)
basement_temp = "N/A" # or handle the case when the attribute is not found
# Check if the value2 was found
if value2 != None:
basement_hum = str(value2)
basement_hum = "N/A" # or handle the case when the attribute is not found
# *********************************************************************************** #
# EBSuiteOutHum URL #
repEB = http.get(EBSuiteOutHumURL)
attributes = repEB.json()["attributes"]
# Specify the attribute name to search for
attribute_name = "weatherHumidity"
# Get the value of the specified attribute
value = int(get_attribute_value(attributes, attribute_name))
# Check if the value was found
if value != None:
outside_hum = str(value)
outside_hum = "N/A" # or handle the case when the attribute is not found
# *********************************************************************************** #
return render.Root(
content = outside_temp + " Outside " + outside_hum + "%",
content = upstairs_temp + " Master ",
content = main_temp + " Main " + main_hum + "%",
content = basement_temp + " Guest " + basement_hum + "%",