Weather Map by Felix Bruns

Felix, if you’re out there, many thanks for your Weather Map. My wife and I love it. It’s abstract art and useful information. Bravo.


I love the weather map app! However, if there was one thing I’d like to change, it is the time intervall. As it is, it shows 2.5 h back and only 30 minutes ahead of current time. I’d much rather know what the weather will be like in 2 hours than what it was 2 hours ago. I kind of already know that :smiley:

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I agree with this, and was thinking the very same thing.

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Maybe there is a way to reach Felix? As he hasn’t responded, maybe he doesn’t frequent the forum.

Hey guys!

I’m really happy that you all like the weather map app!

I agree that more than 30 minutes forecast would be amazing, but unfortunatley that data is not available from the RainViewer API (the source of the precipitation data) - See: Weather Maps API - RainViewer

After all, forecasting becomes more inaccurate the longer in the future the forecast is…

There might be other APIs out there that offer longer forecasts, but those might not be free to use like RainViewer is.



Ah, I should have known it was something like that. Well, it’s still a beautiful app, and will stay in my rotation! Thanks for the great work! :slight_smile:

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Uh oh! Looks like something is wrong with the app! Getting the error “Error loading weather maps!”.

cc @fxb for visibility

Or is there maybe a problem with the timezone? I am nur sure if the time shown is actually the local time?

Love the weather map but this last week it just says “Error loading weather maps!”. I’ve restarted the device and still the same. Even shows this error in the app.

Anyone else having this issue? It worked for a year no issues

This has also started happening to me as of today. Tagging @fxb

Love the app too, but seeing the error today as well.


I currently can’t reproduce the issue on my end. It’s possible this was a temporary issue on the side of RainViewer from where the app loads the data. In those cases there is nothing that can be done other than waiting for the issue to be resolved. Let me know of this persists and I can try to figure out what could be wrong.


Hi Felix,

Looks like you are right - Weather Map is once again working for me. Thanks for such as awesome app!

Thanks - yes - it’s working again. Appreciate you looking into it.

@fxb Hi Felix - it hasn’t been working for me for the last week or so, even this morning (I have to mute it and unmute every once in a while to check if the error message is still there – and it is). Love having this app running when it’s raining in our area. Our zip is 95762, btw. Thanks.

Looks like it is not working for me too, and for the past week it’s been up and then down. I am located in Vancouver, Canada.

Hello! This appears to be intermittently recurring. Maybe Rainviewer is having API problems?


RainViewer aggregates data from different sources all across the world. They have a list of all their sources (per country) here.

There could be multiple different issues causing data to intermittently not be available. Either it could be an API problem on their side, or with one of their sources not delivering data for your specific region or being too late in delivering data. I don’t really have the insights into that.

All that could be done is to change the behaviour of the app, to for example disable itself entirely if there is no data, so the “ugly” error message is not shown. Alternatively, if older data is available it could still show it.

I’m not sure what the best behaviour would be? Any opinions?
