Publishing Apps

After you render the web image, I’ve been using it this way:

pixlet push <deviceID> myApp MyAppInstallationID -b --api-token <apiKey>

On the public repo idea. 2 possible ways:

  1. A public repo we all push our apps to: could get messy as more apps are developed but easiest to implement
  2. I don’t know if the tidbyt is OTA upgradeable but an update that would allow for both homebrew vs. approved apps could be interesting. Homebrew apps would require a repo URL to be made available ie
    pixlet push myApp MyinstallationID HTTP:// -b api-token

For approvals, you’d submit your app repo and tibdyt could decide whether or not to add it to the mobile app for push via the more traditional app channel.

When I try your way with -b it says that it is not supported

I tried several different ways to publish but it seems impossible

Is this the way it should look?
pixlet push --api-token “123456” “abcd” examples/bitcoin.webp “TestID”

Thanks in advance

This is what works for me:
pixlet push <deviceID> MyApp.webp <installationID> -b --api-token <apiToken>

So in your example, I would try (assuming abcd is your device ID):
pixlet push abcd examples/bitcoin.webp TestID -b -api-token 123456

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If -b is not supported, you may be running an old version of pixlet and should update.

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That was the trick, it jumped many versions


I really struggled with getting cron to work this docker example. I switched to yacron and it works great!

Sharing for those interested.
More on yacron:
gjcarneiro/yacron: A modern Cron replacement that is Docker-friendly (

My Dockerfile:

FROM golang:bullseye

ENV WEBP_VERSION libwebp-1.2.2-rc1


RUN apt-get update \
 && apt-get install -y ca-certificates tzdata openssl libwebp-dev bash virtualenv

RUN git clone $REPO && cd $REPO && make build

RUN virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /yacron && \
        /yacron/bin/pip install yacron

COPY yacrontab.yaml /etc/yacron.d/yacrontab.yaml

ENTRYPOINT ["/yacron/bin/yacron"]

My yacrontab.xml file (which runs every 5 minutes from 6am to 10pm:

      value: utf-8

 - name: do_pixlet
    command: /
    schedule: "*/5 6-22 * * *"
    captureStdout: false

/go/src/ render / > /proc/1/fd/1 2>/proc/1/fd/2 && /go/src/ push --api-token api_here --installation-id unique-app-name devicename /lmflag.webp -b > /proc/1/fd/1 2>/proc/1/fd/2


Anyone have this working on crontab on mac?

Here’s how I sorted this out with crontab:

Crontab (I had it run every minute just as a test)
` * * * * * “/users/path/to/”

.sh script

/opt/homebrew/bin/pixlet render /path/to/;
/opt/homebrew/bin/pixlet push --api-token <api-token> \
--installation-id <installation id> <key> /path/To/file.webp;

** I installed via homebrew so I had to include path.

Allow crontab full disk access:

Willing to share? This is awesome